New Forest Kennels & Cattery

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What Should I Bring In For My Dog or Cat On Their Holiday?

We provide plenty of fun enrichment and cuddles as well as the essentials... Snuggly bedding and blankets, heating, a selection of toys and food* (*with a small charge).

However, there are a few things that we would recommend bringing along for your pet's holiday to help them settle in and feel comfortable in their home away from home!


When checking your pet into the New Forest Kennels and Cattery, please bring your pet's vaccination card and we will add / update the details to our system.

If you don't have their vaccination card, please email your vets to get their vaccination record and forward it to us at!

What To Bring?


If your pet is nervous or its their first stay, then we encourage owners to bring in LABELLED washable bedding for their pets, so they have a familiar scent of home to help them settle into their holiday.


To ensure your pet’s welfare, we are happy to administer medication between 8am - 8pm. We must have clear  instructions and details of the medical condition.

ALL medication MUST include the veterinary label and packaging. 

Please DO NOT mix any medication with food if bagging up food portions.


Feel free to bring some LABELLED familiar toys that your pet loves to play with and you are confident they can be left unsupervised with, but please avoid bringing in any squeaky or loud toys.

For safety reasons, we recommend that any toys or items provided for your pet are as robust and indestructible as possible.


For safety reasons, all cats must be transported in secure cat carriers which will remain with the cat in their chalet. 


If you'd like us to brush your furry friend, we ask that you bring your brush from home, so that we can use the brush they are used to and enjoy!


Whilst we love to offer our own enrichment, if your pet has allergies or they love specific treats that you give them at home, bring them in and we will happily give them their own.


We encourage you to bring your pet's own food along to avoid any sudden changes to their diet.

Please bring enough for the length of their stay, plus as bit extra as well as any scoops you use at home along too!

If you'd prefer we are happy to provide food for your pet, however, an additional charge for each pet will apply.

No Need To Bring...


All doggies are in their inside kennel area at night, with plenty of comfy bedding so there's no need to bring a crate in.


We have plenty of bowls, including slow-down bowls and puzzle feeders, that we use for the cats and dogs that stay with us. So unless your pet has a specialist bowl that they require, we ask that you please keep your bowls at home.


We have plenty of wood pellet cat litter that we use for the kitties in our care, which is all part of the service we provide.

If your cat is a fussy toilet-er and likes specific cat litter, or has any skin allergies, feel free to bring in your own. Be aware that we change the litter trays daily, so make sure you bring enough for their whole stay!